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Frames or No Frames?

How to present the work has been a question that has been troubling me throughout my practice.

I have experimented with mount, frames and many other varying types of presentation. One of my problems was with the paper. Because the paper has to be soaked in water when creating the emulsion lifts, it became wavy when not held in place or taught. This meant that mounting it on board didn’t look very clean and professional.

Also, the size of the paper that the emulsion lift was on was something that I was anxious about changing. I didn’t want to take away from the flow of the piece.

After much consideration, I have decided to frame the emulsion lifts. After seeing Francesca Woodman’s work in Edinburgh and reading about Walter Benjamin’s aura I have decided that large white frames with a large mount centring the image will achieve the affect I am wanting to have.

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