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James Welling

James Welling

Tate Modern, London

20th April 2018

In the mid 90’s Welling compiled a selection of his work, old and new under the title “Light Sources”. The group of work combined portraits, landscapes, and abstract images, unlike previous series that focused on one subject.

The portraits are what interest me the most. The black and white images capture an essence of not only the subjet but their emotions too. Welling included photographs of his friends suggesting that they are people who inspire and encourage him; a source of light in his life. Photography is both reliant on and vulnerable to light, just as we are with the people around us.

The woman gazing into the distance (above) has a calm, almost sad look contemplating her face. For me, much like Horsfield’s work, it is something that I can relate to.

There is an uncanny beauty to the sadness in his images and artist alike that intrigues me and inspires me to create art of a similar nature; trying to recreate the aura of the work that has such a strong hold on me.

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