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Collaboration with Danny Marsh

On the 12th of February, I messaged local artist Danny Marsh (@mannydarsh) on Instagram and asked if he would be available for collaboration. We agreed to meet one day in March to take photos and another to develop. We planned to take pictures on both the analogue cameras and the polaroid cameras so we could transfer skills and try something new. I wanted to learn the process of ‘camera-swap’ double exposures and Danny wanted to learn the process of Emulsion lifts.

Coincidentally, on the 18th of March, a group of students from Leeds Arts University had arranged an external film photography walk. I suggested that Danny and I joined the walk to be able to meet other local photographers and create more contacts.

Danny brought an analogue camera and I brought my Praktica MTL3 and my Polaroid 600. Camera-swap’ double exposure photography meant that instead of us shooting the whole roll of film, then swapping and shooting again, we took a picture and manually override the film moving onto the next frame so that we could both take the pictures and also be able to have some sort of idea as to how the pictures would come out. Knowing what Danny had taken before I took the next shot allowed us to take better pictures overall.

I really enjoyed working with Danny and he helped me a lot with double exposure and in the dark room. The following images are the result of the collaboration in the following order:

Polaroid stills

Emulsion lifts

Double exposure scanned Negatives

Dark room Developing

Colour Double exposure

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