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Research Studies by Amelia Crouch

I found that the Research Studies session involving Gesture could be applied to my work.

“Ultimately both are linked by thinking about the balance between gesture as something expressing emotion, perhaps unconsciously, and gesture as a conscious, symbolic language of communication.”

I believe that the process of the emulsion lifts relates to gesture. When the thin layer of film is placed in the water, the water exaggerates the gestures of your hand. Causing the film to fold and crease.

The small subtle movements that I make in the water cause the emulsion lift to react. During this seminar, I realised that this related to my work through isolation and alienation; The actions of a person can ripple and cause an effect on another person.

What is said behind a screen or what is shown and said on social media can affect a person’s life, and cause feelings of isolation and alienation, possibly leading to mental health issues.

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